This is the last blog post, which I honestly wanted and actually should have written about five months ago. The good news is that it is the last. After this, only posts about more recent experiences will follow.
In 2020, a good friend of mine had to go to Washington D.C. for a year for his work. A great adventure for him, his wife and three children and we thought it would be a nice idea to do a combined Washington - New York City trip in September of that year. to make. About four days in both cities linked by a train journey seemed like a good prospect. Unfortunately, that trip was canceled due to the coronavirus, but it has always stuck in my mind.
Last November we crossed the Atlantic somewhat late. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough days off to visit both cities and a choice had to be made. The die was soon cast and four days in 'The Big Apple' lay ahead.
Once in New York, choices had to be made again. What do we absolutely want to see and do and which sights have less priority? The first day we walked to the southern tip of Manhattan to take the boat to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Between 1892 and 1954, approximately 12 million immigrants arrived on this island, all hoping to build a new future in the United States. You get a good impression of the entire admission process that these people had to undergo, supplemented with beautiful personal stories and photos from that period. Absolutely worth it.

The second day started at the Oculus. That is the eye-catching metro station next to the site of the former Twin Towers. It is a design by Calatrava that depicts a bird taking off. I had taken photos of this before, but such a building with its beautiful lines always offers new angles and details for the interested photographer. Especially when the sun is shining.

Of course, a visit to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum could not be missed afterwards. Of course, we all know what happened that day. But when you walk around the underground museum and see everything from that day presented before you in chronological order, it is incredibly confrontational and impressive. But the monument above the ground, the two water basins with the engraved names of all the victims on the edge, also ensures that you automatically become silent.

That day ended on Broadway with a visit to the musical The Lion King. A classic among musicals, of course. Now, on average, I go to a musical once every ten years, but when it does happen, I have a really nice evening. Also this time.
The third day we again walked a lot and of course a walk over the iconic Brooklyn Bridge could not be missed.

Then it was Central Park's turn. Escaping from the enormous hustle and bustle in the middle of that metropolis felt like finding an oasis during a trip through the desert. Lovely...!

I thought it would be a great plan to watch the sunset from the Empire State Building that afternoon and although it was not a very spectacular sunset, it still provided beautiful moments and memories.

On the last day we first walked along the High Line. This is a former elevated train track, which was used until 1980 for the transport of meat and poultry, among other things, and was then converted into a kind of park that runs like a green ribbon through the Meatpacking District.
To end these days we visited both the Museum of Natural History, which is really too big for a one-time visit, and the Guggenheim Museum. Neither of us are very big fans of modern art, but fortunately the building itself made up for a lot.

All in all, we had a great time in this city that never sleeps. But to be honest, after four days we were also happy to say goodbye to the enormous crowds, the noise and the often omnipresent smell of lit joints.