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Last month we spent a few days in Drenthe. That was not the first time. There is really a lot to see and do in that beautiful province, so it certainly won't be the last time we visited there.

High on the list were the Colonies of Benevolence. A social experiment from the 19th century to combat poverty and which is today on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are a total of seven building complexes in both the Netherlands and Belgium. We chose Veenhuizen, which served as a penal colony at the time.

Many of the houses built then are still inhabited. And some of those houses have beautiful sayings on them. For example, there is "Knowledge is power" on the former schoolmaster's house. And the prison director at the time had a sign saying "Order and Discipline" placed on his house, how appropriate.

While I was walking around, my eye fell on two painters who were busy giving a similar sign a new coat of paint. Initially there was only one of the two standing on a ladder, but before I had taken out my camera the second painter had started on his half of the tableau. Unfortunately, this makes it slightly less readable from the sign. Anyway, the word EFFECTIVENESS was rightly lived up to by the two men.

A little further on I walked past the former prison, which now houses a museum. I mentioned above about the sign with the motto "Order and Discipline" that I had seen earlier that afternoon. And when I walked past that building so leisurely with the dog and saw how everything was so neatly maintained and organized, I thought about that again. I wanted to take a photo that would express that same feeling a bit. It is up to you to decide whether this has been somewhat successful.


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